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Senate committee approves bill requiring stronger TV ratings

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Senate committee approves bill requiring stronger TV ratings 05/19/97 WASHINGTON, D.C.--In early May, the Senate Commerce Committee approved the "Children's…

Senate committee approves bill requiring stronger TV ratings


WASHINGTON, D.C.–In early May, the Senate Commerce Committee approved the “Children’s Protection from Violent Programming Act” which would force broadcasters either to use a more detailed ratings system, or forbid the airing of violent programs when children are likely to be watching.

The committee voted 19-1 to send the bill to the full Senate for consideration. The bill, introduced by Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.) in response to criticism of the voluntary age-based ratings system, would require broadcasters and most cable channels to provide more detailed information about shows’ violent content. The bill also stipulates that the FCC will determine during what hours violent programs would be banned. (S. 363)

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