Ways to support the Reporters Committee
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization in providing free legal representation to journalists and newsrooms, protecting our First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists.
Your tax-deductible contributions directly translate to free legal services for journalists across the country. Donations to the Reporters Committee help to protect the right to gather and distribute news; to keep government accountable by ensuring access to public records, meetings, and courtrooms; and to preserve free speech and a free press.
Below, explore the many ways in which you can support the Reporters Committee. If you have questions about supporting our work, please contact Director of Development Michael Zwirn at giving@rcfp.org.

Make an online donation

Make a contribution by mail

Become a sustaining donor

Contribute from your IRA

Legacy giving

Donate stock and financial assets

Give via a donor-advised fund

Support the Freedom of the Press Awards

Donate your legal expertise
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