State Assembly to start Internet coverage of sessions
NMU | WISCONSIN | Broadcasting | Jan 23, 2001 |
State Assembly to start Internet coverage of sessions
- In an effort to better inform its constituents, the state assembly will show its debates live over the Internet.
Anyone wishing to know what the Wisconsin Assembly is up to soon will be able to see for themselves. When the Assembly convenes Jan. 30, cameras will begin broadcasting the floor sessions live on the Internet.
This is the first step toward broadcasting legislative sessions on cable television.
The Assembly spent $22,000 to buy cameras, monitors, cables, a video mixer, and other equipment for the project. Committee hearings also may be broadcast. Currently, legislators are deciding where to put the cameras and how the rules of debate might change.
The equipment will be operated by the Legislative Technology Service Bureau, which is usually present at floor sessions to help members with computer problems.
The state Senate already airs its audio on the Internet and is arranging for televised coverage. Wisconsin will be one of 18 states that televise at least some state legislative floor action.
— EH
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