California Supreme Court
Electronic Frontier Foundation v. Superior Court of San Bernardino County
Court: California Supreme Court Date Filed: Nov. 23, 2022 Background: The Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a petition to unseal materials…By Chris YoungCategorized in Court Access -
Voice of San Diego, et al. v. County of San Diego
Court: California Court of Appeal Date Filed: May 10, 2021 Update: On July 16, 2021, the California Court of Appeal denied…By Chris YoungCategorized in Freedom of Information -
Reporters Committee urges California Supreme Court to amend clemency sealing policy
Update: On May 26, 2021, the California Supreme Court issued an en banc administrative order adopting its proposed amendment to an internal operating procedure…By Chris YoungCategorized in Court Access -
National Lawyers Guild v. City of Hayward
Amicus brief filed by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and a coalition of 33 media organizations Court:… -
California courts rule in favor of retroactive release of police misconduct records
The legal battle over a new California law created to shed light on police-involved shootings and misconduct may unfold before…view more
California Supreme Court hears arguments in case that implicates the rights of online news publishers
Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of California heard oral arguments in Hassell v. Bird, a case that could have…By Jenn TopperCategorized in Content Restrictions