Photography and videotaping
Ness v. City of Bloomington
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Date Filed: Sept. 25, 2020 Update: On Sept. 2, 2021, the…By Chris YoungCategorized in First Amendment -
Frasier v. Evans
Update: On March 29, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit reversed the district court's decision, ruling… -
Election Legal Guide
The Election Legal Guide provides an overview of legal issues that journalists may face while reporting on elections.view more
As recording police officers draws more attention, Dallas police policy tries to 'water down' the right
When the Dallas Police Department released its policy in May on the right of the press and public to records… -
Forest Service says it never intended permit policy to regulate photojournalists
A controversial proposal to restrict wilderness photography and regulate commercial filming was never intended to require newsgatherers to obtain permits,… -
10th Circuit reverses dismissal of 'Dateline' defamation case
Last week the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals determined that while NBCUniversal reporters did not violate anyone’s Fourth Amendment rights… -
Police department agrees to implement recording rights guidelines in settlement with videographer
New York’s Suffolk County Police Department agreed to take new measures to instruct police on citizens’ recording rights in a… -
Media rights advocates object to Utah court rule revision on video-recording of cases
Utah’s court system began allowing TV cameras, smartphones and laptops into public court proceedings last year, but officials revised that… -
Recent settlement in suit over arrest for recording police follows growing trend
The town of Weare, New Hampshire, settled a lawsuit last week for $57,500 with a woman arrested for videotaping a… -
Georgia court remands decision on recording trial, citing trouble with defining 'news media'
In a decision on whether a student could record court proceedings, the Court of Appeals of Georgia stated this week…