United States v. ZTE Corporation
Case Number: 3:17-cr-00120-K Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division Clients: Dow Jones, Reuters Motion…By Chris YoungCategorized in Court Access -
Tiffany Wong joins Reporters Committee as Jack Nelson-Dow Jones Foundation Legal Fellow
In her new role, Tiffany will focus on expanding journalists’ access to public records at the state and federal level.view more
Federal appeals court rules IRS may withhold records from fugitives
A federal court of appeals ruled this week that two fugitives accused of failing to report taxable earnings are not… -
Detained U.S. journalists to be put on trial in North Korea
A pair of American journalists detained in North Korea on charges of illegally entering the country through the Chinese border will… -
Reports are in of journalists being harassed, detained in China
With the Olympics underway, reports are streaming in from China this week of foreign journalists being detained, having photos deleted… -
Beijing lawyers stand ready to help journalists during Olympics
Journalists who might run into legal problems while covering the Beijing Olympics should know that lawyers will be standing by… -
Reporters complain of harassment, interference in run-up to Olympics
The International Olympic Committee will investigate censorship of the Internet service of reporters covering the run-up to the Beijing Olympics, Reuters… -
Foreign media restricted from covering anti-Chinese riots
With less than six months to go before the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, the Chinese government has sparked condemnation…