Federal shield law
It’s time to pass the PRESS Act
The PRESS Act has broad bipartisan support and is a reasonable, common-sense measure to protect the public’s right to know.view more
Reporters Committee releases report on Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions
Sen. Jeff Sessions, who will appear before the Senate tomorrow for his confirmation as Attorney General of the United States,… -
Free press groups petition Attorney General on behalf of journalist James Risen
More than 100,000 people, including 20 Pulitzer Prize winners, signed a petition submitted to President Obama and Attorney General Eric… -
Media organizations urge Senate to vote on federal shield bill
Spurred by a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court not to hear an appeal by New York Times reporter James… -
Supreme Court will not hear Risen's appeal over subpoena in Sterling prosecution
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Monday it will not hear an appeal by New York Times reporter James Risen, who… -
Congressional committee holds hearing on national security leak prevention and punishment
Recent leaks of classified information prompted concerned members of the Congressional House Judiciary Committee to hold a hearing today to… -
New York Times reporter subpoenaed by U.S. government
The U.S. Department of Justice issued a subpoena yesterday for the testimony of a New York Times reporter in the… -
Federal shield bill passes Senate judiciary committee
The Senate Judiciary Committee today voted to present the federal media shield bill to the full Senate, a new milestone… -
Federal shield legislation delayed by amendment process
Senate Judiciary Committee members agreed today to decide on a timeframe for considering any final amendments to the proposed federal… -
ABA endorses federal shield bill and urges Senate action
The American Bar Association (ABA) last week publicly endorsed the current version of the federal media shield law in a…