Stored Communications Act
Troubling decision on ‘standing’ marks departure from norm in court access cases
The right of access to court documents does not depend on the concreteness of the requester’s planned use for them.view more
RCFP backs bill to limit ‘gag’ orders under Stored Communications Act
The Reporters Committee strongly supports provisions in proposed federal legislation that would make it easier for third-party electronic communications providers…By Chris YoungCategorized in Protecting Sources and Materials -
Federal appeals court decides constitutionality of content preservation in one paragraph
The ruling could potentially authorize the government to force a third party communications provider to copy a reporter’s personal information.view more
SolarWinds hack could stunt movement toward greater judicial transparency
Changes in response to the SolarWinds hack could delay efforts to increase transparency of electronic surveillance records.view more
Microsoft Corp. v. United States
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Date Filed: Dec. 21, 2020 Background: Last year, Microsoft challenged a…By Chris YoungCategorized in Prior Restraint -
In the Matter of the Application of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press to Unseal Certain Search Warrant Materials
Case Number: 0:20-mc-00082 Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota Application to Unseal Filed: Dec. 8, 2020 Background:… -
U.S. v. Aaron Graham
Graham was convicted of robbery. In the course of the prosecution, the government requested a court order under the Stored…By Jenn TopperCategorized in Protecting Sources and Materials