The Vermont Supreme Court has held that the legislature has sufficient authority over the University of Vermont to render it a public body subject to Vermont’s Public Records Act, as well as the Vermont Open Meeting Law. State v. Curley-Egan, 2006 VT 95, ¶ 15, 180 Vt. 305, 311-12 (Vt. 2006); see also Sprague v. Univ. of Vt., 661 F. Supp. 1132, 1138 (D. Vt. 1987); Animal Legal Defense Fund Inc. v Univ. of Vt., 159 Vt. 133, 137-38, 616 A.2d 224 (Vt. 1992). Indeed, the Vermont legislature made explicit that UVM “shall be recognized and utilized as an instrumentality of the State for providing public higher education” and provided that the state “shall, from time to time, appropriate such sums as it deems necessary for the support and maintenance of [UVM].” See 16A V.S.A. § 1-1.
The University of Vermont Foundation, a public benefit corporation, was established in 2011 to secure and manage private support for the benefit of the University of Vermont. The board and meeting minutes for the Foundation’s Board of Directors and related committees contain information regarding general fundraising and donor issues. Likewise, the Foundation’s tax forms and audited financial statements provide detailed information. Both the minutes and the financial documents are available online at: